Thursday, August 2, 2007

Oh man is Ontario ever large!

I am now 5 days into my trip and boy has it been eventful. Here is a quick recap of the first 2 days:

Sun. July 29, 2007

Packed up the RV and finally left Toronto at 10am to make our way to the Bruce Peninsula National Park.

Flora is the only non-driver (or as we like to call her the "bump on a log") therefore, she must work for her spot on the RV...

This ones for you Deb:

After 3 hours of driving we arrive at Cyprus Lake (Bruce Peninsula National Park). First things first: beer, patio chairs and head towards the water!

Hiking on the Bruce Trail:

Sunset on Cyprus Lake:

Mon. July 30, 2007

First full day of travelling. Tobermory Ferry to Lake Superior Provincial Park. Most unexpected thing that happened that day was when a car rear-ended us and drove away even though the hood of their car was completely dented inwards. Fortunately for us, there was no damage on our RV. So off we continued on our trip.

Tobermory Ferry. We accidentally "slept in" and just made the very last spot on the ferry for the 7am departure. Whew! Anyhow, quite the cool experience since I've never been on a ferry that carried vehicles.

Bindi, an Australian Husky whose owner we met on the Ferry and met up again at a scenic lookout:

Teepees are awesome!

Leaving our mark along the Trans Canada Highway:

Lake Superior Provincial Park - Agawa Rock (Native Canadian pictographs)

Lake Superior Provincial Park - Rabbit Lake Campground where we spent the night

Ok, thats it for now. I will upload more tomorrow. Time to sleep.

Oh I also wanted to add that I'm being eaten alive by the mosquitos and black flies! I currently have 29 bites on my body... those a$$holes!

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